This article explains what significance testing is and how to apply and interpret it in SightX.
What's on this page:
- What is Significance Testing?
- Types of Significance Testing Used by SightX
- How to Use Significance Testing in SightX
- Confidence Level
- P-values
What is Significance Testing?
Significance testing is utilized when analyzing data to determine whether the observed difference in results between groups is beyond any statistical chance.
It is typically recommended to use significance testing in SightX when you need to gain more confidence about score differences among audiences, products, or groups.
For example, let's say you've presented respondents with two potential ads for a new product you're releasing, and you asked them their likelihood of purchasing those two products on a one to five scale. Let's assume 64% of respondents say they would be "Likely" or "Extremely likely" to buy the product after seeing ad #1, while 72% of respondents say the same after seeing ad #2. You can use significance testing to determine whether the 8% preference for ad #2 is meaningful.
Types of Significance Testing Used by SightX
While there are a variety of significance tests that can be applied, SightX significant testing relies on two widely used techniques: Chi Square (for testing differences in proportions/percentile breakdown), and Analysis of Variance (aka ANOVA, for testing the differences among mean scores).
Chi Square
Chi Square significance tests examine if the observed frequencies in a dataset are different from the expected frequencies. The test is often used when a researcher is comparing the frequencies of various sub groups within a variable or across variables of categorical nature.
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
The ANOVA significance test technique is used when a researcher is interested in testing the differences among two or more mean scores of groups.
How to Use Significance Testing in SightX
Significance Testing on Concept Test Data
In the Concept Test dashboard, open the analysis toolbox and select the Significance Testing icon. Click "Apply" in the toolbox to apply Significance Testing to the dashboard.
All of the question visualizations on the page will update with sig testing data. Each option with significant data in the chart will show a star, and to the right of each chart all of the statistically significant insights from the question will be displayed. Click on an insight to highlight the data in the chart.
Most question types have multiple views of the data on the Concept Test dashboard; the default view showing the average score for each concept, and the details by option and details by concept views. Switching between views reveals the statistically significant statements associated with the selected view.
Significance Testing in Crosstabs and Pivot Tables
In the Pivot Tables tab, generate a table with the groups you want to compare between in the columns. Then turn on significance testing using the toggle at the top of the page.
Tip: The Confidence Level (CI) is defaulted to 95%, which is the industry standard level. However, if needed, you can change the CI using the arrow to the left of the Sig Testing toggle. Scroll down to the next section to learn more about confidence levels.
When significance testing is turned on and there is data that is significant at the specified confidence level, star indicators will appear in the cells where there is significance.
If you hover your mouse over a cell with a significance indicator, the cell(s) with data that is significantly different from that cell will light up, and a pop up will show the significance p-value.
In the table below, the data in the columns is from the question "Do you have any children 18 years of age or younger living in your household?" (Yes or No), and the data in the rows is from the question "When you are deciding which salty snacks to buy, which of the following factors do you consider?" (multi-select). Significance testing in SightX tables is always run within each row, looking at whether the differences in results between the groups in each column are significant.
We can interpret this data as such:
- It is statistically significant that respondents without children place more importance on selecting a brand of snacks they know than respondents with children (row 1).
- It is not statistically significant (and therefore could be up to chance) that respondents without children place more importance on the flavors of snacks available than respondents with children (row 4).
- It is statistically significant that respondents with children place more importance on selecting snacks made with organic ingredients than respondents without children. (row 6).
Confidence Level
Significance is calculated at a confidence level, which shows how sure you can be that the results are statistically significant. For example, a confidence level of 95% means that you can know with 95% certainty that your results are statistically significant, and are not due to chance.
P-values are the outputs of significance testing calculations. They are values between 0 and 1 that indicate whether results are significant or could be up to chance, where values closer to 0 indicate greater significance. They are essentially the inverse of confidence intervals. A p-value of 0.01 means that there is only a 1% chance that the differences between variables are from random error, and we can be 99% confident the results reflect actual differences between the variables. A p-value of 0.10 means that there is a 10% chance that the differences between variables are a result of random error, and we can be only 90% confident that those differences exist.